Here is the crafting guide for herbal medicine in RimWorld: Also, it can serve as an additional component for crafting more elaborate drugs in your lab. Nevertheless, Herbal medicine is good to have in case you need to treat prisoners or other less valuable members of your colony without investing too much time and effort in the treating process. Otherwise, the organic concoctions will spoil, and you will have to craft them once again. There is one more drawback to herbal medicine - it needs to be stored in the fridge.

This means that it cannot be used to treat serious illnesses, but can only be applied to heal injuries. Its current medical status is set at 60%. Out of all three possible types of medicine, herbal medicine is the least potent one. Growing Healroot plant in the growing zone Keep on reading for all the medical recipes available in RimWorld. In any case, you definitely need to learn how to obtain all these different types of medicine, if you want your colony to be healthy and prosperous. They all have varying levels of healing potency that can be boosted with the help of lab-made drugs, but may produce certain side effects as well. There are three types of medicine in RimWorld: herbal, ordinary, and Glitterworld.